Review Of: Far and Away By:
Eine Warnung gleich vorweg: Dieses ist kein Reisebuch, das einen zum Träumen in exotische Welten entführt.
Jan 2019
Eine Warnung gleich vorweg: Dieses ist kein Reisebuch, das einen zum Träumen in exotische Welten entführt.
Mar 2018
Viajar reduz uma pessoa a sua essência descontextualizada. Você nunca se vê com tanta clareza como quando está imerso num lugar completamente estranho.
Oct 2017
This is far more than notes of a traveler. This was a search for what makes the world what it is.
Dec 2016
Keep it by your side, dip in and out, and you will be richly rewarded over and again.
Nov 2016
Some 30 travel pieces, in prose sparkling with insight, describe “places in the throes of transformation.”
Nov 2016
I was reading the introduction to this book while Theresa May was telling the Tory Party conference: “If you believe you’re a citizen of the world, you’re a citizen of nowhere.” Andrew Solomon would argue otherwise.
Nov 2016
Resilience, hope, flux: Solomon has an outsider’s eagle eye. A dazzling volume.
Oct 2016
A collection of dispatches from countries in flux is alert to the differences between tourism and travel.
Oct 2016
Far & Away is literary journalism at its crackling best.
Oct 2016
With the rising tide of xenophobia around the globe, his warning of the dangers of “circling the wagons” is timely.