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Third Coast Review: “Far From the Tree” explores the struggles and triumphs of being different

Andrew Solomon and Howard Solomon. Photo © Participant Media.

By Steve Prokopy

At first, it may be difficult to figure out what the common threads are in the various family stories being laid out in the new documentary Far From the Tree … [T]he clue is right there in the title, taken from the popular expression about parents and children: the apples doesn’t fall far from the tree.

But what if the apple falls miles from the tree, and the child’s experience is vastly—sometimes heartbreakingly or triumphantly—different from his/her parents and fellow siblings? This is the phenomenon that Solomon (who begins this discovery process with his own life) and Dretzin explore, and it’s both an emotionally powerful work and an uplifting revelation.

… The film is immeasurably inspiring because it makes us wonder what circumstances might arise in our lives that will push such resolve out of us.

… The movie is a creature of pure love and admiration and well worth your time.

(To read the full review, please visit Third Coast Review.)