Far from the Tree (PRC edition). Translated by Jane Xie Niu. Changsha: Hunan Science and Technology Press, June 2018.
We often say that there is no perfect family in the world, only a “good enough” family. And Far From the Tree shows us that “good enough” is a matter of luck and difficult standards. Author Andrew Solomon spent more than a decade visiting more than 300 families with “abnormal” children, each with their own misfortunes and always from a different view.
Walking into these families’ lives is a process of abandoning old anxieties, prejudices, and criticisms. In Andrew Solomon’s account, we can witness their pain, the cruelty they experience, and their diversity, but we also see the deepest love, and cannot help but reconsider our judgments and perspective on life.
(For other titles on 2018 Best Books list, please visit Beijing News.)