by Mindy Bond
Far From the Tree
Director: Rachel Dretzin
Filmmaker Rachel Dretzin has taken great care with her film adaption of Andrew Solomon’s bestselling book Far From the Tree. A moving and extremely thoughtful documentary, Far From the Tree examines how families cope when parents bear offspring that are very different from themselves. Honing in on a handful of examples, Dretzin spends time with families that are challenged by autism, dwarfism, Down syndrome and a penchant for violent behavior. Solomon also tells his story about growing up gay and becoming a parent. Further elevated by the use of original music by Yo La Tengo and Nico Muhly, you’ll find it hard to fight back the tears while watching this one. . . . Sundance Selects picked the film up, so if you miss it at DOC NYC, it is slated for a theatrical release in the summer of 2018.
(To read more reviews of films featured in the DOC NYC Festival, please visit The Culture Files.)